
About Me

Dennet Lee is a life loving individual. Born in the U.S.A, he moved up to Canada in his early childhood years. Being the new kid, he wanted to make friends with anyone and everyone he came across in school. As he grew older, Dennet then had jobs delivering, serving and roofing. To pass the time during his shifts he made sure to have a conversation with anyone willing.


During Dennet’s university years at Simon Fraser University, he expanded his circle of acquaintances by taking varied courses in Philosophy, Psychology and Physiology. He ended up with a Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology, but much more importantly, he made more friends.


Being the “little skinny kid” in school always bothered Dennet. He was never bullied, but he was often teased by a few friends about it. It wasn’t enough for him to change his life yet, but he always wanted to look like a cool Japanese anime character since childhood.


After finishing university, having a sedentary lifestyle for 5 years and not knowing what to do with his life, he was told one day that he was fat. In disbelief, he looked in the mirror and his self perception was immediatey altered. His face was now round and he had rolls over his pants. He wasn’t obese, but it was not a pretty sight. How could this once skinny kid now be fat?! It seemed like it happened overnight.


This was the pinnacle moment that sparked the flame of his passion! He looked in the mirror and promised himself that NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TOOK and NO MATTER HOW MUCH EFFORT WAS NEEDED, he was going to change how he lived the rest of his life at the age of 23.


He didn’t know that his Kinesiology degree would come in so handy when he chose what to major in. He didn’t know that his love of human interaction would be satisfied by his profession. He didn’t know that being both “too skinny” and “fat” would help him to better relate with all of his clients.




He does know that he will never give up on anyone even when they give up on themselves. He does know that even if he has trained you only once, you can ALWAYS come back for support. Lastly, He does know that on a basic level, we are all generally the same. So if he can change his life to look younger and feel amazing, so can you.